Sunday, 26 May 2013

Lion goes Camping Part-I

……………………………………………………………  Lion goes Camping Part -I

Hello !! Friends , Fellow Anglers and my Fans Very Happy after the kanyakumari episode I hadn't done any serious fishing and as you all know my popular signature Smile ------> The only fever that I always carry ---> Fishing Fever Cool now with the heat of the summer increasing ! my Fishing Fever also began to double by the day & treble at night and then one fine morning Shocked Shocked Shocked I began seeing fish every where graytard even in my coffee cup

That’s when I decided to reduce my infection by exposing myself to the Sun , Sea & Fun going fishing & infecting someone else with the fishing bug Twisted Evil and the lucky guys were Mehboob , Prashant , Abhishek ( Appa) and Kaivalya ( K.V )
It was a two day camping cum fishing trip but Mehboob & Prashant came only for a day due to time constraints
We left very early in the wee hours and arrived very late at the place . So the morning session of fishing was washed away by time Sad now we settled for lunch and started our fishing early in the evening and Mehboob gets his first saltwater fish ( a Grouper ) which was immediately released in to the water end of day-1 -----> gt-happyup Mehboob is infected with the fishing bug giggle and rest of us are left itching to hook something underwater

At night the camp is all set and we decide to catch some forty winks as its already 1 am and we have to wake up early to avoid fishing in the hot sun , in the middle of the night ( 2am ) I hear strange sounds reminding me , we are not alone !! This is the land of the hyenas , the Jackals , the wild boars , the porcupines , the peacocks and of course the bloody langurs ( monkeys )and God knows how many kinds of poisonous snakes and scorpions !! the rest of my team is fast a sleep , I get a feeling that we are being watched after arming myself I decide to investigate and immediately catch two peeping toms trying to look inside my tent Evil or Very Mad I am angry now and flick them out of sight with my mighty fingers seeing this the whole jungle behind me goes silent !!! "Good !! Now every one behave our self and don't piss me off " I say looking around menacingly and go back to sleep ,

The Peeping Toms

once again I hear someone shout " I have hooked a big one " I woke up quickly n picked the gaff besides me and look around to find that its still dark and 4am , confused and not able to figure out which of my fellow camper is dream fishing ?? Did he hook a fish or a mermaid ?????? giggle Razz giggle was the question in my mind but I did not care to ask or check out Razz back to bed

5.30am Seaside scene Razz

Day 2 Mehboob and Prashant has left for mumbai , that leaves three of us Appa , K.V and myself we begin our fishing, the sea is rough and while casting we have our early morning saltwater bath minus the soap Razz then the sun is up n hot forcing me to strip , for the first time in my life I am fishing in only short pants ( self censor mode active ) Sorry no pictures posted as it will frighten the kids and heighten the curiosity of the she anglers who regularly read my trip reports Wink
Appa who is also baiting in half pants , manages to attract the attention of an underwater Red beauty , since its his first time baiting the salted beauties , he is slow in responding to her advances which offends her and she takes off like a rocket running far from Appa , seeing the situation go out of hand , I had to quickly step in and control the matter & very soon the smiling Appa was holding her proudly and chalking up lavish plans for her Very Happy you can check them out in my blog Wink
It was fun fishing and camping at the same place ,The food was prepared off the sea and by the sea so it was called seafood Wink
We gathered dried twigs and broken branches of dried dead bushes for cooking , K.V and I loved eating the sweet n juicy berries Carissa spinarum, the Conkerberry or Bush Plum or the famously called the Indian Karvanda
                        Appa and his First Fish ! what a Beauty ! gt-happyup gt-happyup 

                                                  Appa marinating the Fish with his secret recipe

                                        Mangrove Jack Barbecue is the Menu of the day 


Milk being boiled for the much needed Refreshing Chai ( TEA) 


The Lions are back in the urban Jungle Sad

you can see our tan and guess who had more fun Razz

Two days of camping had brought much of Fun , Fish and Sun in our life and we loved it all Very Happy hoping to meet up again someday and repeat the act . Thanks a lot guys and take care gt-happyup
Getting up for Work at 5am ! Don't count on it !!! Crying or Very sad nope
Staying up whole night for Fishing !! Count me IN Very Happy nod happyspin

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Any  Viewers  who are eager to join me  Fishing  can mail in their requests  at my mail id 


  1. Sayed,

    In the third last pic I see you are using a casting rod with a spinning reel. or is it another rod at the back??/ :)


  2. Sayed,

    Is that a casting rod with spinning reel or do you have a casting rod in the background?? Its in the third last pic.


  3. Hi Dezz :)
    How are you doing mate ??
    one answer to both your questions is that I am using the Shakespeare ugly stik big water spinning rod with fuji guides and hanging on my back is the telescopic gaff !
    I do my own hooking & landing , self-service ;-)
    tight lines mate


Interesting details of another fishing trip of Lionheart the Indianangler