Thursday, 14 May 2015

The Fishy Meeting



...............................................................................................THE FISHY MEETING




Tons of Love & Hugs  to All my  Eager Friends, Fans , Chelas and the Loyal Royal Readers  of my Blog
Lion is back on the blog after a long absence of  6 months during these months I fielded several dozens of mails and Calls  from curious Fans , Friends & Chelas  inquiring about my absence from the Fishy Scene and the delay in updating  my Blog . Well ! I did reply to most of them  but still I won't hesitate to Apologize to those whose mails or calls  may have slipped my attention 

 the REASON --->  Ever Since I donned the mantle of Project Manager  in a Reputed Firm, I was assigned on a project to one of the Top Pharmaceutical companies in the Country at  HYDERABAD .

 Famous for its Delicious  Dum Biryani , Hyderabad  is usually  called the land of Nizam !  but !!  if you throw a stone in any direction , it is bound to hit either a Rao or a Reddy   and mark my words ! They are all friendly and helpful if you approach them right 

Very few know that the name Hyderabad means "Hyder's abode" or "lion city", derived from the Persian/Urdu words hyder (Lion) and ābād (City or abode). So this Lion was Busy as a BEE for the last 6 months in the Lion City ,  10x7 manning two Projects with a dedicated team of Engineers from Switzerland and India  and you all very well know that whatever the Lion does ! He does  it with  Precision , Diligence and Assiduity

 Some of my Angler buddies from Hyderabad  did make plans for my fishing in Hyderabad but Sadly  I couldn't spare the Time ,  my Fishing Bug was forced  to hibernate ,

                                                                                                                     This is how the Lion looks in the Corporate World

                                             Here are the pics of my favourite Firangi Engineers

                                                                                    Working even on Sundays

             Got Bored of Dining in all the Fine dining places of Hyderabad and was terribly missing my dose of fresh sea protein 

 After 6 months the projects were smoothly on track nearing completion before the allotted Date  and by now I was now dying to shake that rod & dip my lures in saltwater , have that blast of  salty breeze  on my face . It was now confirmed that I was suffering  from Acute deficiency of Vitamin-SEA     I decided to attend to other clients whose future projects were also in the pipeline  up for grabs  and very slyly  I chose  a Company which was located closer to the sea somewhere in Maharashtra     called them up fixed a meeting time,  took the next flight to Mumbai picked up my rod and a handful of select lures,  despite the tight schedule , I  was firmly determined to squeeze in  a couple hrs of fishing time

  Hence with the confidence of a Young Lad and Experience of an Old Man , I set out on a Business cum fishing trip  

                                                  My Intentions and Destination were Straight & Clear 
                                                  May your dreams defy the Laws of Gravity
                                  This is the Aerial view of Navi-Mumbai and in one of those Buildings is the Lion's Den 

Leaving home early to avoid the traffic on roadmy hand was always in the Cookie box, this was my breakfast  on the road , reached the place in the afternoon, had lunch and set out for the Meeting with Only one Topic in the back of my Mind ---> FISHING ---> FISHING & FISHING  LOL  this was the first time I was mixing Business with Pleasure and I had to mix it well   so that no one finds out about it !! this trip shouldn’t look Fishy at all !! even though it is lol…….  

 It just takes 10mins for the Transformation from a Gentleman to a Ferocious Hunter 

Finished the Meeting  dashed to the hotel changed my dress into that of a hunter, another point of rendezvous this time it was with the unknown Beauties of the water world and my intentions were very, very knotty !!   To hook anything that swims underwater ( LOL)

                                     Wish me Luck ! I am on Duty and going to do some serious hooking ;-)

                              Here is the Babaji ka Thullu for those who thought Lion had given up fishing

As I drove closer to the Sea , I  switched off the Air conditioner , rolled down the glasses and started to take deep long breaths . for 6 long months I had terribly missed these Negative ions that keep me Positive and now I wanted to inhale them as much as I can in the very limited time at hand

  My mood was instantly enhanced with the first salty draught that entered the car , Once on the seashore the atmosphere there was conveying serenity and erudition immediately I felt like Home !  The SEA was my School and also my Workshop , here I learned Patience and  all the Tricks of the trade thru the endless Trials & countless Errors that went in to the making of an angler whom you all know by the name    Lionheart 

The glittering water danced in my eyes under the setting sunlight, I was a happy man ,

Prepared my tackle and declared  the WAR !! the Cowardly Crabs took notice of the prowling Lion and quietly slipped in to the water and alerted everyone, as expected !! Once again the faint-heartedly Timorous Bulky Big Beauties of the water world were afraid to face me, they were well aware of my Love & Lust for their Fishy Flesh   instead they sent their immature subordinates  to mollify and  propitiate  me  
With hardly an hour left for sunset ! so this time there was no time for foreplay in the luring game, I immediately began the hooking ……….

when the sun came down and kissed the sea goodbye , I too decided to leave the place driving towards Mumbai .  Pssst..  I will report sick for the next two days (till I am stuffed up to the gills with fish tikkas ) and then with a wicked wolfish grin will quietly take the next flight to Hyder’s Abode / Lion City or Hyderabad whatever you may call it ;-P


                   A Super Recharged and Refreshed Lion is back on the return flight to lion-city Hyderabad  


"There is certainly something in angling that tends to produce a gentleness of spirit and a pure sincerity of mind." --> Washington Irving

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Interesting details of another fishing trip of Lionheart the Indianangler